domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


Intention of the artist: to show people about maternity and human reproduction
Quality of the work: abstract -oil painting. It is really creative because Picasso uses shapes and different colors in order to make this unique masterpiece.
Response of the audience: I really like this artpiece because it demonstrates the big responsability of motherhood. I like the background and how he makes stand out the mother with the baby.

Immitation: He doesn't immitate another drawing. Instead, he immitates a mother with its child.
Communication: Pablo Picasso tries to communicate "REPRODUCTION" in humans. Since the baby is painted almost the same size of the mother, it might mean that having a baby is a big responsability.
Education: Through this painting, I learned that motherhood is really important and also a joy in a woman'a life. It teaches how humanity reproduces.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


1. In 1951 social psychologist Solomon Asch conducted this experiment to test the extent that pressure from other people could affect one's perceptions.

2. Asch showed bars to college students in groups of 8 to 10. He told them he was studying visual perception and that their task was to decide which of the bars on the right was the same length as the one on the left. Asch asked the students to give their answers aloud. He repeated the procedure with 18 sets of bars. Only one student in each group was a real subject. All the others were confederates who had been instructed to give incorrect answers on 12 of the 18 trials. Asch arranged for the real subject to be the next-to-the-last person in each group to announce his answer so that he would hear most of the confederates incorrect responses before giving his own.

3. To Asch's surprise, 37 of the 50 subjects conformed to the majority at least once, and 14 of them conformed on more than 6 of the 12 trials. When faced with a unanimous wrong answer by the other group members, the mean subject conformed on 4 of the 12 trials. Most of the participants did not really believe their conforming answers, but had gone along with the group for fear of being ridiculed or thought "peculiar." A few of them said that they really did believe the group's answers were correct.

*This experiment allowed us to see how humans are manipulated by peer pressure and how we follow what others do when we are in an awkward situation. Most of the time we do this so we are acepted and seen as normal while doing a task.

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010


1.The Nazis considered Jews, Gypsies, Poles along with other Slavic people like the Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs and anyone else who was not an "Aryan" according to be subhuman. The Nazis rationalized that the Germans, being a super human race, had a biological right to displace, eliminate and enslave inferiors. Some 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

2. In the US, various ethnic groups such as African Americans, Latin Americans, and Muslims are prejudiced by the "whites".

3. Many football Australian League clubs have been formed based on ethnic and racial associations and there have been instances of people of other groups not getting fair opportunities in football employment.

*I am against racial segregation because humans are all equal. We might have different physical appearance between some cultures but that is not a reason to descriminate someone that looks different. Everyone has the right to follow a certain religion or tradition without being descriminated in society.