viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010



El Porfiriato was the period of time in which Porfirio Diaz was president of Mexico (35 years). He was considered to be a dictator. He promoted prosperity by encouraging foreign investments. During this time, Mexico was going through positive modernization. Factories sprung up, railroads were built, agriculture and live stock export products expanded, etc. Even though Porfirio Diaz tried to improve land reforms to benefit people, a lot of the land that belonged to the peasants was taken away. The economy depended in foreign whims. Social classes were divided into upper and lower class. There was too much unemployment. Land remained in the hands of the few, 95% of the rural population owned none. Only people from the upper class were benefited with the actions done by Porfirio Diaz, while the lower class suffered of economic problems. They would not have enough money to survive and many died of poverty.


Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003. Since then, the US began to help Iraq elect their new government. Meanwhile, US forces were being attacked by supporters of the old government as well as some people related to Al Queda. Since the Shities and the Sunnies had different opinions about this issue, theybegan to fight violently against each other and turn everything into a present civil war.


The spanish man, Valeriano Weyler, known as the Butcher, was sent to Cuba in order to put some order in society during the Spanish-American War. His role was to restore the island to political order and Cuba's sugar production to greater profitability. While the Spanish troops marched in regulation, their opponents practiced hit-and-run tactics and lived off the land, blending with non combatant people. General Butcher came to the conlcusion of dividing the society by putting the civilians in the consentration camps that were protected by Spanish troops. He created 300,000 reconcentration camps. Even though it was a success to divide the people, it was hard to mantain them; many people died of starvation and diseases were spread along the population in the camps.

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